
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Life in Sunde and Husnes

Hello from Norway everyone!! The following are some pictures from Wednesday and Thursday of this past week. The first picture is of our office! It is actually the copy room but the headmaster and staff at Sunde skule were so worried about us having a work space that they rearranged the copy room! We have a nice view of the bay and the front entrance of the school. We get to watch the kids while they're at recess, if we're in our "office" at the time. As you can see our desks are pretty bare at the moment. We were still working on a final schedule as we are teaching more than one subject and in different grade levels. Jennifer is teaching 4th-7th grades and I'm teaching Kindergarten (Norwegian preschool) - 3rd grade. I will primarily teach English in each grade but get to spend a few weeks teaching music (all of my former music ed professors will be thrilled) as well as a unit on the USA. I will also help teach Math in 1st and 3rd grade. I even get to assist in Art and Norwegian (which is the most difficult for me). It's been a great first week at the school getting to participate in each classroom. Sunde skule has been so welcoming. I am not sure who is more excited the staff or myself! 

On Thursday three of the teachers took us out for a traditional Norwegian dish called Komle. They warned us that not all foreigners like this meal. I was a little worried but from how they explained it I figured it would be delicious. BOY WAS IT! The plate consisted of sweedish turnips, smoked ham, smoked, sausage, and the actual Komle, topped with bacon! The komle is a ball of flour, salt, and powdered potato. Some people put light syrup on top of the Komle. I ate it both ways and LOVED it!! Check out the next picture for proof!'s safe to say I liked it....maybe loved it! Eating Komle is actually a Thursday tradition in Norway. Guess what I will be doing each Thursday? EATING KOMLE!!! One of the teachers also offered to teach us how to make it. I'm hoping to cook it when I get back to Iowa!

After eating Komle Thursday night we went to the shopping center in Husnes where we wait for the bus each day. We had about an hour to kill so we decided to walk around the larger shopping center. As we got upstairs we realized some of our students from Sunde skule were performing in a brass ensemble, pictured below. It was fun seeing the kids outside of school. They were very excited to see us!

It was a great week in Sunde and Husnes...stay tuned for another entry about my weekend! :)

Tusen takk!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall in Norway

I always thought Ames in Fall was so beautiful, there wasn't anything prettier. WRONG! Fall in Norway trumps Fall in Ames by thousands of points. The picture above isn't even close to what the bus ride home looked like today. It was simply gorgeous. Orange, red, yellow, and green trees followed the fjord as waterfalls rushed down the mountains on our right. Why did people migrate from Norway to the U.S.A.? Really? This is a beautiful country!

Our commute is about 35 minutes from Huesnes to Rosendal. When we reached our bus stop today Jennifer and I had to take pictures with the waterfall in the background. It's been raining a lot this week so the waterfall is overflowing which means we can see it so clearly. Check out the picture below!

I love it! This may be my favorite picture from the trip so far! I don't have much time tonight as I am trying to get some work done. This weekend I will write a couple posts regarding my first week at Sunde Skule. I've been working with Kindergarten (ages 2-5) through third grade. It has been very exciting and boy do I have stories to share! I love the school, staff, and students! They are fantastic and I am so happy to spend these seven weeks with them!

Check back for more this weekend!

Tusen takk!
(Thank you)


Saturday, October 19, 2013

First Morning!



This is just a short video I took after I woke up this morning, Saturday October 20th, 2013.
This is my view. I'm not kidding! This is directly outside the back door which is directly under my bedroom window. I know you're jealous. It's okay! My journey here has been great! I made it in one piece! The only thing I messed up while packing was that I packed one of my husbands running shoes instead of one of my shoes. So, I have two right shoes, one of which is way too big for me I might add!

Today we took a short tour around the village. Stein, our supervisor in Norway, took us to his middle school that is directly behind our cottage. He then took us through the town center and to Rosendal Church. It was so stunning, pictures to come!

This afternoon we met with the superintendent, principals, and cooperating teachers for lunch. There were 8 types of pizza to choose from. Some had corn on them! I was brave and tried a slice. It was delicious! Afterwards we setup rules, cleaning schedules, and a grocery list. We went shopping and had quite a bit of fun. Food is much different here in Norway. There are no GMOs, artificial coloring nor flavoring, as well as little to no preservatives. Even animal quality of life is rated and labeled on things such as eggs. This is very important to Norwegians. I wish this were true for Americans! Also, the use of plastic bags is frowned upon so you are encouraged to bring your own bags or buy these really thick reusable plastic bags at the counter. 

So after this we came home, warmed up some of the leftover pizza and chatted. A lot of us attempted to work on our e-portfolio but it's rather difficult when you have our view!

It's been great getting to know these girls and experiencing the Norwegian culture. I am excited to meet my students Monday. However, I am very nervous. I already have enough problems remembering American names. I have no idea how I will learn three classes of Norwegian names! Wish me luck!

Anyway, I know you don't like reading long blogs so I will end it here! *cough cough Blair cough cough* 

Please stop by frequently or hit the subscribe button to the right of this post! I don't think you're going to want to miss this!

Oh and on a funny note - I almost fell out of my bed today! Yes, I am still the same old me! 

Thanks for stopping by!